

howl.dispatch provides a set of functions for handling and coordinating Lua coroutines. Coroutines are used in Howl to provide a synchronous API over asynchronous operations, such as interacting with external processes, waiting for user input, etc. The primary benefit of the dispatch module is that it provides an easy to use yielding mechanism, for suspending the currently running coroutine until a particular event has been triggered.

See also:


launch (f, …)

Invokes f in a coroutine, with any additional arguments passed to launch. If the coroutine starts correctly, true is returned along with the coroutine’s status (e.g. ‘running’, ‘dead’), and the actual coroutine object. If an error is encountered upon launching the coroutine, false is returned along with the error message and the actual coroutine object.

park (description)

Creates and returns a “parking handle”, which can be used with wait, resume and resume_with_error. description should be a short descriptive text indicating the nature of the operation to be parked.

resume (handle, …)

Resumes the coroutine associated with handle, which should be a parking handle obtained from park. Any additional arguments passed will be used as the return values from corresponding wait.

resume_with_error (handle, err, level = 1)

Resumes the coroutine associated with handle, which should be a parking handle obtained from park. Resuming with an error means that the corresponding wait will not return normally, but instead raise the error specified in err. The optional level parameter allows specifying where in the stack of the waiting coroutine the error occurred, similar to the level parameter to error.

wait (handle)

Suspends the coroutine from which wait is invoked until handle, a parking handle obtained from park, is resumed from either resume or resume_with_error.