
buffer = (text) ->
  with Buffer {}
    .text = text

# operator returns number of lines in the buffer

b = buffer 'hello\n  world\nagain!'
assert.equal #b.lines, 3

at_pos(pos) returns the line at <pos>

lines = buffer('Øne\ntwØ\nthree').lines
line = lines\at_pos 5
assert.equal 'twØ', line.text

supports iterating using ipairs

b = buffer 'one\ntwo\nthree'
for i, line in ipairs b.lines
  assert.equal line, b.lines[i]

supports iterating using pairs

b = buffer 'one\ntwo\nthree'
for i, line in pairs b.lines
  assert.equal line, b.lines[i]

Line objects

local buf, lines

before_each ->
  buf = buffer 'hƏllØ\n  wØrld\nagain!'
  lines = buf.lines

.buffer points to the corresponding buffer

assert.same buf, lines[1].buffer

.nr holds the line number

assert.equal lines[1].nr, 1

.text returns the text of the specified line, sans linebreak

assert.equal lines[1].text, 'hƏllØ'
assert.equal lines[2].text, '  wØrld'
assert.equal lines[3].text, 'again!'

.size is the size of the line, sans linebreak

lines = buffer('åäö\n123\n').lines
assert.equal 6, lines[1].size
assert.equal 3, lines[2].size

tostring(line) gives the same as .text

assert.equal tostring(lines[1]), lines[1].text

.start_pos returns the start position for line

assert.equal lines[2].start_pos, 7
buf.text = ''
assert.equal lines[1].start_pos, 1

.end_pos returns the end position for line, right before the newline

assert.equal 6, lines[1].end_pos
buf.text = ''
assert.equal 1, lines[1].end_pos
buf.text = '1'
assert.equal 2, lines[1].end_pos

.has_eol is true if the line has an EOL

buf.text = 'one\ntwo'
assert.is_true lines[1].has_eol
assert.is_false lines[2].has_eol

.byte_start_pos returns the byte start position for line

buf.text = 'åäö\nwØrld'
assert.equal lines[2].byte_start_pos, 8
buf.text = ''
assert.equal lines[1].byte_start_pos, 1

.byte_end_pos returns the byte end position for line

buf.text = 'åäö\nwØrld'
assert.equal 7, lines[1].byte_end_pos
buf.text = ''
assert.equal 1, lines[1].byte_end_pos
buf.text = '1'
assert.equal 2, lines[1].byte_end_pos

.previous returns the line above this one, or nil if none

assert.equal lines[2].previous, lines[1]
assert.is_nil lines[1].previous

.previous_non_blank returns the first preceding non-blank line, or nil if none

assert.is_nil lines[1].previous_non_blank
assert.equal lines[1], lines[2].previous_non_blank
lines\insert 3, ''
assert.equal lines[2], lines[4].previous_non_blank

.previous_blank returns the first preceding blank line, or nil if none

buf.text = 'one\n\nthree\nfour'
assert.is_nil lines[1].previous_blank
assert.equal lines[2], lines[3].previous_blank
assert.equal lines[2], lines[4].previous_blank

.next returns the line below this one, or nil if none

assert.equal lines[1].next, lines[2]
assert.is_nil lines[3].next

.next_non_blank returns the first succeding non-blank line, or nil if none

assert.is_nil lines[3].next_non_blank
assert.equal lines[3], lines[2].next_non_blank
lines\insert 3, ''
assert.equal lines[4], lines[2].next_non_blank

.next_blank returns the first succeding blank line, or nil if none

buf.text = 'one\n\nthree\nfour'
assert.is_nil lines[3].next_blank
assert.equal lines[2], lines[1].next_blank

.indent() indents the line by <config.indent>

config.indent = 2
assert.equal '  hƏllØ\n  wØrld\nagain!', buf.text

buf.config.indent = 1
assert.equal '  hƏllØ\n  wØrld\n again!', buf.text

#line returns the length of the line

buf.text = 'åäö'
assert.equal #lines[1], 3

lines are equal if they have the same text

lines[2] = 'hƏllØ'
assert.equal lines[1], lines[2]

string methods can be accessed directly on the object

buf.text = 'first line'
line = lines[1]
assert.equal 'fi', line\sub(1,2)
assert.equal 8, (line\find('in'))
assert.equal 'first win', (line\gsub('line', 'win'))

string properties can be accessed directly on the object

assert.is_false lines[1].is_empty
assert.is_false lines[1].is_blank
lines[1] = ''
assert.is_true lines[1].is_empty
assert.is_true lines[1].is_blank

.text = <content>

replaces the line text with <content>

lines[1].text = 'Hola'
assert.equal buf.text, 'Hola\n  wØrld\nagain!'

raises an error if <content> is nil

assert.raises 'nil', -> lines[1].text = nil


.indentation returns the indentation for the line

assert.equal lines[1].indentation, 0
assert.equal lines[2].indentation, 2

respects the configured tab_width for tabs

buf = buffer '\tfirst\n  \tsecond'
lines = buf.lines
buf.config.tab_width = 3
assert.equal 3, lines[1].indentation
assert.equal 5, lines[2].indentation

.indentation = <nr>

works for empty lines

buf = buffer 'first\n'
lines = buf.lines
buf.config.use_tabs = false
lines[2].indentation = 2
assert.equal 'first\n  ', buf.text

(when `use_tabs` is false)

set the indentation for the line to <nr> spaces

buf = buffer 'first\n'
lines = buf.lines
buf.config.use_tabs = false
lines[1].indentation = 8
assert.equal '        first\n', buf.text

(when `use_tabs` is true)

before_each ->
  buf.config.use_tabs = true
  buf.config.tab_width = 4

squeezes in as many tabs as possible

buf.text = 'first\nsecond'
lines[1].indentation = 5
assert.equal '\t first', lines[1].text
lines[2].indentation = 8
assert.equal '\t\tsecond', lines[2].text

handles lines with existing tabs

buf.text = '\tx'
lines[1].indentation = 8
assert.equal '\t\tx', lines[1].text

(when markers are present in the intentation)

preserves and shifts markers

buf.text = '    abc\n'
buf.markers\add {{
  name: 'test'
  start_offset: 3
  end_offset: 5

line = buf.lines[1]

line.indentation -= 1
assert.same {{name: 'test', start_offset: 2, end_offset: 4}}, buf.markers\for_range(1, #buf)

line.indentation -= 1
assert.same {{name: 'test', start_offset: 1, end_offset: 3}}, buf.markers\for_range(1, #buf)

line.indentation += 2
assert.same {{name: 'test', start_offset: 3, end_offset: 5}}, buf.markers\for_range(1, #buf)


a Chunk object for the line, disregarding the newline

buf.text = 'hƏllØ\nbare'
chunk = lines[1].chunk
assert.equal 'Chunk', typeof chunk
assert.equal 'hƏllØ', chunk.text
assert.equal 1, chunk.start_pos
assert.equal 5, chunk.end_pos

chunk = lines[2].chunk
assert.equal 'bare', chunk.text
assert.equal 7, chunk.start_pos
assert.equal 10, chunk.end_pos

respects the buffer eol

buf.text = 'MORE\r\nDOS'
buf.eol = '\r\n'
chunk = lines[1].chunk
assert.equal 'MORE', chunk.text
assert.equal 1, chunk.start_pos
assert.equal 4, chunk.end_pos

is an empty chunk for empty lines

buf.text = '\n'
chunk = lines[1].chunk
assert.equal '', chunk.text
assert.equal 1, chunk.start_pos
assert.equal 0, chunk.end_pos

chunk = lines[2].chunk
assert.equal '', chunk.text
assert.equal 2, chunk.start_pos
assert.equal 1, chunk.end_pos

describe .unindent()

unindents the line by <config.indent>

buf.text = '  first\n  second'
config.indent = 2
assert.equal buf.text, 'first\n  second'

buf.config.indent = 1
assert.equal buf.text, 'first\n second'

unindents back to a valid indentation line for uneven indents

buf.text = '   first\n  second'
buf.config.indent = 2
assert.equal '  first\n  second', buf.text

unindents back to zero for a 1-space indent

buf.text = ' first\n  second'
buf.config.indent = 2
assert.equal 'first\n  second', buf.text

replace(i, j, replacement)

replaces the range [i,j] with <replacement>

buf.text = '123\n567'
buf.lines[2]\replace 1, 2, 'x'
buf.lines[1]\replace 1, 1, 'x'
assert.equal 'x23\nx7', buf.text

works with character offsets

buf.text = 'åäö'
buf.lines[1]\replace 2, 2, 'x'
assert.equal 'åxö', buf.text


before_each ->
  buf.config.tab_width = 4

returns the real column index of <column>, accounting for tabs

buf.text = '\tsome text'
assert.equal 2, buf.lines[1]\real_column 5

works with character offsets

buf.text = 'åäö'
assert.equal 2, buf.lines[1]\real_column 2

handles boundary cases correctly

buf.text = '\t56'
line = buf.lines[1]
assert.equal 1, line\real_column 1
assert.equal 4, line\real_column 7

raises an error for out of bounds <column>s

buf.text = '\t56'
line = buf.lines[1]
assert.raises 'column', -> line\real_column 0

returns the last real column if the virtual column overshoots

buf.text = '\t56'
line = buf.lines[1]
assert.equal 4, line\real_column 8
assert.equal 4, line\real_column 9


returns the virtual column, accounting for tabs

buf.config.tab_width = 4
buf.text = '\tsome text after'
assert.equal 5, buf.lines[1]\virtual_column 2

works with character offsets

buf.text = 'åäö'
assert.equal 2, buf.lines[1]\virtual_column 2

handles boundary cases correctly

buf.text = '123'
line = buf.lines[1]
assert.equal 1, line\virtual_column 1
assert.equal 4, line\virtual_column 4

raises an error for out of bounds <column>s

buf.text = '123'
line = buf.lines[1]
assert.raises 'column', -> line\virtual_column 0
assert.raises 'column', -> line\virtual_column 5


returns a line object for the specified line

lines = buffer('hello\n  world\nagain!').lines
assert.equal lines[1].text, 'hello'

returns nil if the line number is invalid

lines = buffer('hello!').lines
assert.is_nil lines[2]
assert.is_nil lines[0]

[nr] = <value>

replaces the text of the specified line with <value>

b = buffer 'hellØ\nwØrld'
b.lines[1] = 'hØla'
assert.equal b.text, 'hØla\nwØrld'

removes the entire line if value is nil

b = buffer 'gØØdbye\ncruel\nwØrld'
b.lines[2] = nil
assert.equal 'gØØdbye\nwØrld', b.text
b.lines[1] = nil
assert.equal 'wØrld' ,b.text

raises an error if the line number is invalid

b = buffer 'hello!'
assert.raises 'Invalid index', -> b.lines['foo'] = 'bar'

delete(start, end)

deletes the the lines [start, end]

b = buffer 'hellØ\nwØrld\nagain!'
b.lines\delete 1, 2
assert.equal 'again!', b.text

for end < start it does nothing

b = buffer 'hellØ'
b.lines\delete 1, 0
assert.equal 'hellØ', b.text

deletes up to the last line if end > nr lines

b = buffer 'hellØ\nwØrld\nagain!'
b.lines\delete 2, 6
assert.equal 'hellØ\n', b.text

range(start, end)

returns a table with lines [start, end]

lines = buffer('one\ntwo\nthree').lines
range = lines\range 1, 2
assert.same { lines[1], lines[2] }, range

start can be greater than end

lines = buffer('one\ntwo\nthree').lines
range = lines\range 2, 1
assert.same { lines[1], lines[2] }, range

for_text_range(start_pos, end_pos)

returns a table with lines between [start_pos, end_pos]

lines = buffer('one\ntwo\nthree').lines
range = lines\for_text_range 2, 6
assert.same { lines[1], lines[2] }, range

start_pos can be greater than end_pos

lines = buffer('one\ntwo\nthree').lines
range = lines\for_text_range 6, 1
assert.same { lines[1], lines[2] }, range

does not include lines only touched at the start positions

lines = buffer('one\ntwo\nthree').lines
range = lines\for_text_range lines[1].end_pos, lines[3].start_pos
assert.same { lines[1], lines[2] }, range


append(text) appends <text> with the necessary newlines

b = buffer 'one\ntwo'
b.lines\append 'three'
assert.equal b.text, 'one\ntwo\nthree\n'

b = buffer 'one\ntwo\n'
b.lines\append 'three'
assert.equal b.text, 'one\ntwo\nthree\n'

returns a line object for the newly appended line

b = buffer 'line'
line = b.lines\append 'omega'
assert.equal line, b.lines[2]

insert(line_nr, text)

inserts a new line at <nr> with <text>

b = buffer 'one\ntwo'
b.lines\insert 1, 'half'
assert.equal b.text, 'half\none\ntwo'

b.lines\insert 3, '1.5'
assert.equal b.text, 'half\none\n1.5\ntwo'

appends the line if line_nr is just beyond the last line

b = buffer 'first\nsecond'
b.lines\insert 3, 'foo'
assert.equal b.text, 'first\nsecond\nfoo\n'

raises an error if <line_nr> is invalid

b = buffer 'first\nsecond'
assert.raises 'Invalid', -> b.lines\insert 0, 'foo'
assert.raises 'Invalid', -> b.lines\insert 4, 'foo'

returns a line object for the newly inserted line

b = buffer 'line'
line = b.lines\insert 1, 'alpha'
assert.equal line, b.lines[1]