
has a type of StyledText

assert.equal 'StyledText', typeof StyledText('foo', {})

responds to tostring correctly

assert.equal 'my_text', tostring StyledText('my_text', {})

responds to the length operator (#)

assert.equal 7, #StyledText('my_text', {})

can be instantiated using a string-style instead of a style table

st = StyledText('foo', 'style')
assert.same {1, 'style', 4}, st.styles

defers to the string meta table

st = StyledText('xåäö', {})
assert.equal 'x', st\sub 1, 1
assert.equal 'å', st\usub 2, 2
assert.equal 4, st.ulen

is equal to other StyledText instances with the same values

assert.equal StyledText('foo', {}), StyledText('foo', {})
assert.equal StyledText('foo', {1, 'number', 3}), StyledText('foo', {1, 'number', 3})
assert.not_equal StyledText('fo1', {1, 'number', 3}), StyledText('foo', {1, 'number', 3})
assert.not_equal StyledText('foo', {1, 'number', 2}), StyledText('foo', {1, 'number', 3})

serializable by serpent into a table

st = StyledText 'text', {1, 'string', 2}
_, copy = serpent.load serpent.dump(st)
assert.equal 'text', copy.text
assert.same {1, 'string', 2}, copy.styles


can be concatenated with strings

st = StyledText('foo', {})
assert.equal 'foobar', st .. 'bar'
assert.equal 'barfoo', 'bar' .. st

can be concatenated with StyledText to produce StyledText

st1 = StyledText('foö', {1, 'string', 5})
st2 = StyledText('1234', {1, 'number', 5})
assert.equal StyledText('foö1234', {1, 'string', 5, 5, 'number', 9}), st1 .. st2

supports sub lexing when concatenating styles

st1 = StyledText('one', {1, {1, 'first', 4}, 'my_sub|base'})
st2 = StyledText('two', {1, 'second', 4})

assert.equal StyledText('onetwo', {
  1, {1, 'first', 4}, 'my_sub|base',
  4, 'second', 7
}), st1 .. st2

assert.equal StyledText('twoone', {
  1, 'second', 4
  4, {1, 'first', 4}, 'my_sub|base',
}), st2 .. st1


returns a table containing rows padded and newline terminated

assert.equal 'one  \ntwo  \nthree\n', tostring StyledText.for_table {'one', 'two', 'three'}

converts numbers to string

tbl = StyledText.for_table { 33 }
assert.includes tostring(tbl), '33'

allows for items to be StyledText instances

tbl = StyledText.for_table {'one', StyledText('two', {1, 'string', 4})}
assert.same {5, 'string', 8}, tbl.styles

supports sub lexing in the styles

sub = StyledText('two', {1, {1, 'string', 4}, 'my_sub|base'})
tbl = StyledText.for_table {sub}
assert.same sub.styles, tbl.styles

converts items to StyledText instances if <metatable>.__tostyled exists

dyn_styled = setmetatable {}, {
  __tostyled: -> StyledText('two', {1, 'string', 4})
  __tostring: -> 'two'

tbl = StyledText.for_table {'one', dyn_styled}
assert.same {5, 'string', 8}, tbl.styles

returns a table of column starting positions as the second return value

st, cols = StyledText.for_table({
    {'123', 'åäö', 'x'}
  assert.equal '123 åäö x\n', tostring(st)
  assert.same {1, 5, 9, num: 3}, cols

(.. when items contain chunks)

pads chunks correctly

buf = Buffer!
buf.text = ' twë '
chunk = buf\chunk 2, 4
tbl = StyledText.for_table {'onë', chunk, 'three'}
assert.equal 'onë  \ntwë  \nthree\n', tostring tbl

preserves chunks styles

buf = howl.ui.ActionBuffer!
buf\append 'hëllo', 'string'
chunk = buf\chunk 1, 5

tbl = StyledText.for_table {chunk, chunk}
assert.equal 'hëllo\nhëllo\n', tostring tbl
assert.same {1, 'string', 7, 8, 'string', 14}, tbl.styles

(.. when column style is provided)

applies column style to text and padding

tbl = StyledText.for_table { 'one', 'twooo' }, { {style: 'string'} }
assert.same tbl.text, 'one  \ntwooo\n'
assert.same tbl.styles, {1, 'string', 4, 4, 'string', 6, 7, 'string', 12}

preserves style for StyledText objects

tbl = StyledText.for_table {'one', StyledText('two', {1, 'string', 4}), 'three'}, {
  { style: 'comment' }
assert.same tbl.styles, {1, 'comment', 4, 4, 'comment', 6, 7, 'string', 10, 10, 'comment', 12, 13, 'comment', 18}

(.. when column min_width is provided)

pads small cells to respect min_width

tbl = StyledText.for_table { 'one', 'two' }, { {min_width: 10} }
assert.same tbl.text, 'one       \ntwo       \n'

expands column width beyond min_width if necessary

tbl = StyledText.for_table { 'one', 'twothreefour' }, { {min_width: 4} }
assert.same tbl.text, 'one         \ntwothreefour\n'

(.. when max_width is provided)

does not trim when row fits

tbl = StyledText.for_table { 'one', 'two', 'three'}, {}, max_width: 5
assert.same 'one  \ntwo  \nthree\n', tbl.text

trims row and appends [..] to indicate trim

tbl = StyledText.for_table { 'one one', 'two two', 'three three'}, {}, max_width: 7
assert.same 'one one\ntwo two\nthr[..]\n', tbl.text

preserves and trims styling for trimmed cells, uses comment style for [..]

tbl = StyledText.for_table { StyledText('one one one one', {1, 'string', 15}), 'two', 'three'}, {}, max_width: 5
assert.same tbl.text, 'o[..]\ntwo  \nthree\n'
assert.same tbl.styles, {1, 'string', 1, 2, 'comment', 6}

(.. when column align:"right" is specified)

right aligns the text in the column with one extra space to the right

tbl = StyledText.for_table { {'o', 'x'}, {'two', 'x'} }, { {align: 'right'} }
assert.same tbl.text, '  o x\ntwo x\n'

(.. when a header is provided)

includes header row

assert.equal 'Header\none   \n', tostring StyledText.for_table { 'one' }, { {header: 'Header'}}

pads header

assert.equal 'Heád      \nfirst item\n', tostring StyledText.for_table { 'first item' }, { {header: 'Heád'}}

styles headers with header_list, including padding

tbl = StyledText.for_table { 'one-long-column' }, { {header: 'Head'} }
assert.same tbl.styles, {1, 'list_header', 16}

(.. when multiple columns are provided)

returns a table containing multi columns rows

assert.equal 'oná   first \ntwo   second\nthree third \n', tostring StyledText.for_table {
  {'oná', 'first'}
  {'two', 'second'}
  {'three', 'third'}

columns can each have a header

assert.equal 'Head1 Head2\none   two  \n', tostring StyledText.for_table { {'one', 'two'} }, { {header: 'Head1'}, {header: 'Head2'} }

displays nothing for nil items

assert.equal 'one   a  \n      two\nthree    \n', tostring StyledText.for_table {
  {'one', 'a'}
  {nil, 'two'}
  {'three', nil}
}, { {}, {} }