

An ActionBuffer is a specialized kind of Buffer, that is primarily useful for creating text-based interfaces. In contrast to ordinary buffers, where styling is done according to a mode’s lexer, styling is manually handled for ActionBuffers. Since it’s an extension of Buffer, it supports all operations available for Buffer, but it extends a few of them to add support for additional functionality.

See also:



Creates a new ActionBuffer.


append (object, style_name)

Appends object at the end of the buffer. style_name, when given, allows specifying the style of the inserted contents (e.g. keyword, number).

object can be either a regular string, or a “styled object” such as a StyledText instance or a Chunk, in which case the appended content is styled according to the styles specified for the object and any given style_name parameter is ignored.

insert (object, position, style_name)

Inserts object at position given. style_name, when given, allows specifying the style of the inserted contents (e.g. keyword, number).

object can be either a regular string, or a “styled object” such as a StyledText instance or a Chunk, in which case the inserted content is styled according to the styles specified for the object and any given style_name parameter is ignored.

style (start_pos, end_pos, style_name)

Styles a part of the buffer, indicated by the inclusive range (start_pos..end_pos), with the style specified in style_name.