
local b

before_each ->
  b = Buffer howl.mode.by_name 'default'
  b.text = '"HƏllo", said Mr.Bačon'

context_at = (pos) -> BufferContext b, pos

.word_prefix holds the words's text up until pos

assert.equal '', context_at(2).word_prefix
assert.equal 'HƏ', context_at(4).word_prefix

.word_suffix holds the words's text after and including pos

assert.equal 'HƏllo', context_at(2).word_suffix
assert.equal 'llo', context_at(4).word_suffix

.prefix holds the line's text up until pos

assert.equal '', context_at(1).prefix
assert.equal '"HƏllo", said Mr.Bačon', context_at(#b + 1).prefix
assert.equal '"H', context_at(3).prefix

.suffix holds the line's text after and including pos

assert.equal '', context_at(#b + 1).suffix
assert.equal '"HƏllo", said Mr.Bačon', context_at(1).suffix
assert.equal 'Mr.Bačon', context_at(15).suffix

.next_char holds the current character or the empty string if none

assert.equal 'Ə', context_at(3).next_char
assert.equal '', context_at(#b + 1).next_char

.prev_char holds the previous character or the empty string if none

assert.equal 'Ə', context_at(4).prev_char
assert.equal '', context_at(1).prev_char

.line holds the current line object

assert.equal b.lines[1], context_at(1).line

.style holds the style at point, if any

buf = ActionBuffer!
buf\append '[', 'operator'
buf\append '"foo"', 'string'
buf\append ' normal'
assert.equal 'operator', BufferContext(buf, 1).style
assert.equal 'string', BufferContext(buf, 2).style
assert.is_nil BufferContext(buf, 7).style

contexts are equal for the same buffer and pos

assert.equal context_at(2), context_at(2)
assert.not_equal context_at(2), context_at(4)


holds the current word

assert.equal '', context_at(1).word.text
assert.equal 'HƏllo', context_at(2).word.text
assert.equal 'HƏllo', context_at(4).word.text
assert.equal 'HƏllo', context_at(6).word.text
assert.equal '', context_at(8).word.text
assert.equal '', context_at(9).word.text
assert.equal 'said', context_at(14).word.text
assert.equal 'Mr', context_at(16).word.text
assert.equal 'Bačon', context_at(19).word.text

b.text = 'first'
assert.equal 'first', context_at(1).word.text

the word boundaries are determined using the mode variable word_pattern

b.mode = word_pattern: r'[Əl]+'
assert.equal 'Əll', context_at(3).word.text

b.mode = word_pattern: r'["Ə\\w]+'
assert.equal '"HƏllo"', context_at(3).word.text
assert.equal '"HƏllo"', context_at(8).word.text -- after "
assert.equal '', context_at(9).word.text -- after ','


is the grouping of similar characters

b.text = '@!?45xx __'
assert.equal '@!?', context_at(1).token.text
assert.equal '@!?', context_at(3).token.text
assert.equal '45xx', context_at(4).token.text

is empty when looking at a blank

b.text = ' 2 '
assert.is_true context_at(1).token.empty
assert.is_true context_at(3).token.empty